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Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Republican Party Essays - Presidency Of Ulysses S. Grant
Republican Party REPUBLICAN PARTY The Republican party is one of the two significant POLITICAL PARTIES in the United States, the other being the DEMOCRATIC party. It is prevalently known as the GOP, from its previous epithet Grand Old Party. From the time it ran its first PRESIDENTIAL competitor, John C. Fremont, in 1856, until the introduction of Republican George BUSH in 1989, Republican presidents involved the WHITE HOUSE for a long time. Generally, Republican quality came basically from New England and the Midwest. After World War II, in any case, it enormously expanded in the Sunbelt states and the West. By and large talking, after World War I the Republican party turned into the more moderate of the two significant gatherings, with its help originating from the upper white collar class and from the corporate, money related, and cultivating premiums. It has taken political positions for the most part for free enterprise, free undertaking, and financial obligation (at any rate until 1981) and against the governme nt assistance state. The Founding of the Party Researchers concur that the roots of the gathering became out of the sectional clashes with respect to the development of subjugation into the new Western domains. The boost for political realignment was given by the section of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. That law revoked before bargains that had prohibited subjugation from the regions. The section of this demonstration filled in as the bringing together specialist for abolitionists and split the Democrats and the WHIG party. Against Nebraska fight gatherings spread quickly through the nation. Two such gatherings were held in Ripon, Wis., on Feb. 28 and Mar. 20, 1854, and were gone to by a gathering of abolitionist FREE SOILERS, Democrats, and Whigs. They chose to call themselves Republicans- - in light of the fact that they claimed to be political relatives of Thomas JEFFERSON's Democratic-Republican gathering. The name was officially embraced by a state show held in Jackson, Mich., on July 6, 1854. The new party was a triumph from the earliest starting point. In the 1854 congressional races 44 Republicans were chosen as a piece of the counter Nebraskan greater part in the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, and a few Republicans were chosen for the SENATE and to different state houses. In 1856, at the principal Republican national show, Sen. John C. Fremont was designated for the administration yet was vanquished by Democrat James BUCHANAN. During the battle the northern wing of the KNOW-NOTHING PARTY split off and embraced the Republican ticket, making the Republicans the head abolitionist party. Two days after the introduction of James Buchanan, the Supreme Court passed on the Dred Scott v. Sandford choice, which expanded sectional dispute and was condemned by the Republicans. As of now the country was likewise held by financial mayhem. Business accused duty decreases, and Republican pioneers called for more prominent levy insurance. The split in the Democratic party over the issue of subjugation proceeded, and in 1858 the Republicans won control of the House of Representatives just because. One Republican who bombed that year was Abraham LINCOLN, vanquished in his offer for a U.S. Senate seat by Stephen A. Douglas. Lincoln, the Civil War, and Reconstruction At the second Republican national show, in 1860, a hard-battled challenge brought about the presidential designation of Abraham Lincoln. The Republican stage explicitly promised not to broaden subjugation and called for institution of free-residence enactment, brief foundation of a day by day overland mail administration, a cross-country railroad, and backing of the defensive tax. Lincoln was contradicted by three significant competitors - Douglas (Northern Democrat), John Cabell BRECKINRIDGE (Southern Democrat), and John Bell (Constitutional Union gathering). Lincoln gathered practically a large portion of a million votes more than Douglas, his closest rival, however he won the political decision with just 39.8 percent of the mainstream vote. Presently, the Civil War started. Switches on the war zone, alienation over the draft and burdens, and the disappointments of armed force administration brought Lincoln and the Republicans into the 1864 political decision with little trust in triumph. Gathering pioneers saw the need to widen the base of the gathering, and appropriately, they received the name National Union gathering. Andrew JOHNSON of Tennessee, a War Democrat, was assigned as Lincoln's running mate. Critical military triumphs mediated before political decision day and added to Lincoln's staggering re-appointment. After Lincoln's death the Radical Republicans, drove by Sen. Charles Sumner and Rep. Thaddeus Stevens, battled President Johnson's moderate Reconstruction approaches. At last,
Thursday, July 16, 2020
How To Benefit From Math Solutions Provided For You
How To Benefit From Math Solutions Provided For You How To Benefit From Math Solutions Provided For You How To Benefit From Math Solutions Provided For You Gaining proficiency in mathematics requires striking a balance between working through problems on your own, and analyzing existing solutions to problems. You benefit greatly from trying to solve problems on your own, as it teaches you about the mathematical problem solving process. But if youre stuck and find yourself in an endless loop of trying to solve the problem, and then failing, you need to consider just looking at the solution to the problem, if its provided. The benefit from doing this will be that you gain immediate knowledge and insight into how to solve that particular problem. As long as you put in the effort to solve the problem, you will benefit from looking at the solution. It can be easy to fall into the pride trap where you want to figure out how to solve the problem on your own because it feels good to do so. But realize that this can eat up a lot of your time and end up getting you nowhere. Sometimes the solution to the problem is something you would not have thought of on your own. Theres just too much of a leap involved. So by all means, try to solve the problem, but know when it is time to go straight to the solution, if provided, or if not, then seek outside help. This is where Homework Help USA can come in. We can provide that help when you need it, whether its a really tough question, or several questions, that you just dont have the opportunity to solve on your own. We can provide you the solution which can give you the quicker way to understanding, and getting the grade, than you could have gotten otherwise. The best math does not happen in a vacuum. Even students training for math contests perform best when working in groups, solving problems, and having access to the solutions in case they get stuck. Individual effort as well as working together to help each other out is the best combination for understanding math. At Homework Help USA we give you the step-by-step procedures to solve your math problems when you get stuck, so that you can learn why the solution is the solution. And we can do it on your schedule, even if youre in a situation where you need something done for the next day. So let us help with your math solutions, no matter the type of math, and get the grade you need. References: Casey, L. (2015, July 27). 18-year-old Canadian math whiz wins prestigious math competition. CP 24. Retrieved August 24, 2015, from 18-year-old-canadian-math-whiz-wins-prestigious-math-competition-1.2489236 How To Benefit From Math Solutions Provided For You How To Benefit From Math Solutions Provided For You How To Benefit From Math Solutions Provided For You Gaining proficiency in mathematics requires striking a balance between working through problems on your own, and analyzing existing solutions to problems. You benefit greatly from trying to solve problems on your own, as it teaches you about the mathematical problem solving process. But if youre stuck and find yourself in an endless loop of trying to solve the problem, and then failing, you need to consider just looking at the solution to the problem, if its provided. The benefit from doing this will be that you gain immediate knowledge and insight into how to solve that particular problem. As long as you put in the effort to solve the problem, you will benefit from looking at the solution. It can be easy to fall into the pride trap where you want to figure out how to solve the problem on your own because it feels good to do so. But realize that this can eat up a lot of your time and end up getting you nowhere. Sometimes the solution to the problem is something you would not have thought of on your own. Theres just too much of a leap involved. So by all means, try to solve the problem, but know when it is time to go straight to the solution, if provided, or if not, then seek outside help. This is where Homework Help Canada can come in. We can provide that help when you need it, whether its a really tough question, or several questions, that you just dont have the opportunity to solve on your own. We can provide you the solution which can give you the quicker way to understanding, and getting the grade, than you could have gotten otherwise. The best math does not happen in a vacuum. Even students training for math contests perform best when working in groups, solving problems, and having access to the solutions in case they get stuck. Individual effort as well as working together to help each other out is the best combination for understanding math. At Homework Help Canada we give you the step-by-step procedures to solve your math problems when you get stuck, so that you can learn why the solution is the solution. And we can do it on your schedule, even if youre in a situation where you need something done for the next day. So let us help with your math solutions, no matter the type of math, and get the grade you need. References: Casey, L. (2015, July 27). 18-year-old Canadian math whiz wins prestigious math competition. CP 24. Retrieved August 24, 2015, from 18-year-old-canadian-math-whiz-wins-prestigious-math-competition-1.2489236
Thursday, May 21, 2020
John Wayne A Great American Artist - 687 Words
John Wayne: A Great American Artist John Wayne was a great American actor. Most people knew him as a very influential Western star and action hero. His long career began in many small productions that eventually led to star roles. Wayne continued to influence the field of entertainment when he decided to produce and direct a movie of his own. He starred in many controversial war films that would reenact the terror of war in the early 1900s. John Wayne is considered one of the country’s most famous actors. He became a very influential role model to men around the world. From acting to directing, John Wayne defined the American man and became a symbolic western hero. John Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa on May 26, 1907 to Clyde and Mary Morrison. Besides football, while attending college, Wayne appeared as a film extra in Brown of Harvard and Drop Kick acting as a football player. This was the start of a long and successful career in the acting world for John. Wayne had a very dedicated work ethic which led him to be very successful and becoming a famous Western Star as well as a role model in the lives of Americans. He received his first lead role in The Big Trail, directed by Raoul Walsh in 1930. Although it was a box office dud, Wayne kept pursuing his career as an actor. During a span of about ten years, Wayne played in an abundance of western, B movies. Throughout this experimental period in his career, â€Å"Wayne started developing his man of actionShow MoreRelatedNational Meeting Essay799 Words  | 4 Pageseating contest to raise awareness for IsraAid. Krav Maga with Matan Boni. Free class of Krav Maga. Israel self defense training. Had a great event tnight with Hillel! We did the history of Israel through food. We had a great event with Noam Bedein and Gil Hoffman who both came to speak on campus. We had a tabling event about the Rembam Hospital and ll the great work they do. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Unesco Paper- Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System - 1698 Words
Charles Darwin was quoted in 1842 describing the Belize Barrier Reef as the most remarkable reef in the West Indies (Encyclopedia). This description still holds true today. The Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, which includes the Belize submarine shelf and its barrier reef is the worlds second largest barrier reef system and the largest reef complex in the Atlantic-Caribbean area (Programme-wo, 2009). What makes a reef like the Belize Barrier Reef system so special is that coral reefs are the most diverse of all wetlands and are home to more species than any other marine ecosystem (Wells). Also the reef system offers more varieties of coral formation than anywhere else in the Caribbean (Encyclopedia). For people to appreciate and†¦show more content†¦More alarming though is the run-off of agrochemicals and sewage pollution (Programme-wo, 2009). Another big aspect of the economy is the fishing industry, which has started to take a toll on certain species of fish, conchs, an d lobsters that live in and around the reef. Two other problems, which have devastating effects are dredging and sand mining. Dredging and sand mining are choking the corals that live in the reef system. All of these issues are causing devastating effects to the reef and; therefore, is why 370 square miles of the Belize Barrier Reef system is protected by the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve system. The Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System includes seven marine reserves, 450 cayes, and three atolls (UNESCO). A marine reserve is an area of the sea that has legal protection against fishing or development. To further the effort in 1990, the Government of Belize created the Coastal Zone Management Unit (CZMU) within the fisheries department. The CZMU has created different ministries, which are responsible for the management and preservation of different areas of the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve system. The three main ministries involved in the coastal management are the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (responsible for marine reserves and fisheries management), the
Negative Sites on Abortion, Helping Make a Dignified Choice Free Essays
Every year in the United States, 25% of pregnancies are ended in abortion. This number may seem quite high, but it is actually on the decline and is much lower than several other countries. These numbers are extremely high for one main reason. We will write a custom essay sample on Negative Sites on Abortion, Helping Make a Dignified Choice or any similar topic only for you Order Now That reason is a lack of education. When young women become pregnant they feel the only alternative to having the baby is abortion. This is wrong and that is why we must educate the public to bring the abortion numbers down. The abortion issue has two sides. Pro-lifers believe that a human life is created at conception. Pro-choicers believe life begins at birth. Both groups have the common goal of minimizing the number of abortions, but have different ways of accomplishing that. For example, pro-lifers believe abortion should be illegal, while pro-choicers believe that it is the woman†s body as well as her choice. The other main differences lie in the definitions of several key terms. For example take the word pregnancy. Pro-lifers believe pregnancy starts at conception, while pro-choices believe it starts at the time of birth. To bring down the abortion rate, we need to focus on the factors causing the problems (Baird). I believe the main factor is a lack of education. If we started to educate children earlier about pregnancy, we would see a drop in the number of pregnancies and abortions. While this technique may be long and expensive, it is the best remedy for the long run. There are several ways we can implement this technique. We could develop a program similar to D. A. R. E. , in which it is demanded for students to take classes. D. A. R. E. , which stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education, has been especially successful. The purpose of the program is to inform children that popularity can be found in positive and nonviolent behavior. The program also helps children feel a sense of belonging that stresses their values. D. A. R. E teaches children valuable lessons concerning drugs and alcohol abuse. The program helps the children to lead better, fuller, and more satisfying lives. Research done by the D. A. R. E. program showed that for every $1 spent on drug abuse prevention, communities can save $4 to $5 in costs for drug abuse treatment and counseling. It was also found that in the past two years, drug abuse has either stayed the same or declined. The program has seen this type of success since it started in 1983 (D. A. R. E. ). I believe a class like this concerning abortion and pregnancy would have similar success. The class would inform the children on the purposes of sex and pregnancy. It would teach them the importance of sex and why you should wait for the right person. This would directly tie into abortion portion of the class. The class would tell why abortion is wrong and what alternatives there are to abortion. They would learn how contraceptive methods such as condoms are used to prevent pregnancy, while abortifacient techniques are used to end a pregnancy that has already begun (Prolife. rg). Some other common forms of birth control the students would learn about are diaphragms, cervical caps, contraceptive pills, and emergency contraception pills or â€Å"the morning after pill. †There are some other alternatives to education. One of them is making abortion illegal, but at this stage it is impossible. As the public continues to become more educated, the abortion rate will go down as will the opinion of abortion. At this stage there may be a possibility of making abortion illegal. But until we get to this stage, making abortion illegal is not an option. There is hope though, because the public’s opinion of abortion has been changing. A CNN Poll in 1998 showed that only 31% of men and 32% of women were advocates of abortion. A similar poll was taken in 1980, which showed that 52% of the population believed in some form of abortion. Other than education, making it illegal would be the main goal. Obviously abortions would still happen, but now the number of pregnancies each year would dip under five percent. I also believe that more pregnancy clinics are needed. Pregnancy clinics help to spread the word to the public concerning pregnancy. I believe simple things like free condoms are a start to remedy the problem (Religioustolerance. org). As mentioned earlier, education is the best way of dealing with the abortion rate. Education at a younger age helps to control pregnancy and it informs involved parties of the alternatives they have. Not only would the abortion rate and pregnancy rate drop, but so would the number of sexually transmitted diseases. Although every woman has the right to abortion, I believe that many women would change their decision if they knew of the alternatives. How to cite Negative Sites on Abortion, Helping Make a Dignified Choice, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Stomach Cancer Essay Example
Stomach Cancer Essay The human body is a complex system that has to be fully understood by us. It houses all the systems necessary for life. Each system works dependently with each other to sustain life. To acquire optimum body functioning, there should be a healthy relationship between the systems in our body.  Stomach, being part of the digestive system, holds a critical role in our body.  Like all the other organs in the human body, several alterations have been recorded that are considered threat to the human health. One of these is stomach cancer or otherwise known as gastric cancer. In order to understand what gastric is, it is imperative to determine first the anatomical and physiological structure of the stomach. This paper seeks to answer the following questions: 1.     What is a stomach? 2.     What is stomach cancer? We will write a custom essay sample on Stomach Cancer specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stomach Cancer specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stomach Cancer specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 3.     What causes stomach cancer? 4.     Is stomach cancer caused by an individual’s genetic make up? 5.     Is stomach cancer caused by an individual’s environmental factors? 6.     How is stomach cancer diagnosed? 7.     What are the current treatments for stomach cancer? 8.     To which gender is stomach cancer most prevalent? 9.     To which race is stomach cancer most prevalent? The stomach is an expandable sack located mostly under the left lung, between the muscular diaphragm which pushes up the lung, and the coiled small intestine. The stomach is closed by important organs in the abdomen. To the right of the stomach is the liver, to its lower left is the spleen, and underneath it is the pancreas. The esophagus enters the stomach at the gastro-esophageal junction, while the small intestine exits it at the lowermost antrum. The front of the stomach rests on the abdominal wall, and lower parts of it also contact the upper left kidney and transverse colon. The important areas of the stomach itself are the greater curvature, the lesser curvature, the fundus and the cardia. The stomach has a delicate inner lining, made up of columnar epithelial cells, and acid secreting cells called parietal cells. The chemicals that protect this lining are called prostaglandins. The stomach has an impressive blood supply, mainly from the celiac artery which comes off of the main artery, the aorta. There is also venous drainage of blood to the spleen and liver. A secondary drainage system, called the lymph system, filters the blood in normally pea-sized lymph nodes. These are connected to lymphatics in other abdominal areas by lymph channels. Lymph nodes are full of white blood cells that help purify the blood serum; lymph nodes often enlarge when they detect spread of diseases. The point is that the stomachs rich blood supply and many drainage paths can act as conduits for spread of infections or cancers. The main purpose for the stomach is digestion of foods. Digestive process begins with the saliva in the mouth. In our diet, the stomach activates Vitamin B12, secretes hydrochloric acid to break down food, and churns the food into pulp. It can also directly absorb substances like alcohol and caffeine. The stomach is susceptible to an increase in the concentration of hydrochloric acid brought on by stress, certain foods, and the effects of tobacco smoke. While the stomach is normally protected against its own acid by an inner membrane, breakdown of this membrane leads to inflammation of the stomach, called gastritis.  An area that loses its membrane is also at risk to get an actual hole, called an ulcer. An ulcer may be shallow, and heal quickly, or it may be very deep and even perforate the outer stomach wall. Perforation is a surgical emergency. Fortunately, there are many medications now available which help reduce stomach acid concentration such as Zantac, Pepcid and Tagame t, helping ulcers heal and preventing formation of new ones. Also, soothing protectants such as Carafate and even artificial prostaglandins can be given. These medications are often given preventively when the body is under great stress, such as after major surgery. While most stomach problems are minor ones, such as a mild virus or indigestion, occasionally serious disease strikes the stomach. The stomach is composed of various cells, which are intricately combined together into tissues which form the organ. These cells divide to produce new ones, and grow very rapidly during womb life, early childhood and puberty. In adulthood, new cells are produced only to replace those that die of old age, injury or disease. Normally, division of cells is under very tight control. This control is exerted by the genes inside each cell, which are housed in long clumps forming chromosomes, which are visible under a light microscope. The genes themselves are made up of DNA, the master genetic code material. If the genes are damaged, say by chemicals or radiation, the control over cell division may be lost in one particular cell. Ultimately, cancer is considered a disease of the DNA. Stomach cancer starts in a single lung cell. That cell starts dividing haphazardly, making millions and billions of copies of itself. It takes up the nourishment needed by other cells, depriving them so the can cer can continue to grow. Quickly growing cells can clump up to form a tumor. A tumor simply means a swelling; it can be caused by inflammation or infection. A benign tumor only grows in its local area it cannot spread and is not cancer. By contrast, a tumor which can spread to other body areas is called malignant and this is cancer. The process of cancer spread to other areas is called metastasis, so only malignant tumors such as cancer can metastasize. Theoretically, cancer can spread to any area of the body, and it often grows better in its area of spread than in its area of origin. It is this capacity for spread that makes cancer so dangerous. If not treated successfully, it ultimately kills by debility, anemia, infection, and compromise of normal body functions. The body is made up of many types of cells. Normally, cells grow, divide and die. Sometimes, cells mutate and begin to grow and divide more quickly than normal cells. Rather than dying, these abnormal cells clump together to form tumors. If these tumors are cancerous they can invade and kill your bodys healthy tissues. From these tumors, cancer cells can spread and form new tumors in other parts of the body. By contrast, benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body. Stomach cancer, also called gastric cancer is the growth of cancer cells in the lining and wall of the stomach. There are 85% cases of gastric cancer which are  adenocarcinomas that occur in the lining of the stomach. Approximately 40% of cases develop in the lower part of the stomach (pylorus); 40% develop in the middle part (body); and 15% develop in the upper part (cardia). In about 10% of cases, cancer develops in more than one part of the organ. Stomach cancer can spread or metastasize to the esophagus or the small intestine, and can extend through the stomach wall to nearby lymph nodes and organs such as liver, pancreas, and colon. It also can metastasize to other parts of the body specifically the lungs, ovaries, bones. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2006, about 22,280 new cases of gastric cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and that about 11,430 people will die of the disease. Most people diagnosed with stomach cancer are in their 60s and 70s. The majority of these people who are diagnosed with gastric cancer are more than the age of 65.  Stomach cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Carcinoma of the stomach is the most common form of gastric neoplasm and accounts for about 2.6% of all cancer deaths (Cancer Facts and Figures, 1991). Stomach cancer has decreased 5-fold in the U.S.A. over the past 50 years. It is more common in males, extremely rare in children, and the average patient is 55 years old. The cause of stomach cancer is unknown, but there are certain predisposing factors recognized. Genetic factors seem to be important, since gastric cancer is more common in persons with blood group A. Geographic of environmental factors appear to be important since gastric cancer is common in Japan, China, Chile and Iceland. The incidence rate in Japan is one of the highest in the world. There are studies that showed that Japanese immigrants to the United States have an incidence rate comparable to that of other Americans. Genetic or hereditary risk factors include hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) syndrome and Li-Fraumeni syndrome which are conditions that result in a predisposition to cancer. People with type A blood also have an increased risk for stomach cancer. Medical conditions that increase the risk for the disease include pernicious anemia which results from a vitamin B-12 deficiency, chronic inflammation of the stomach or otherwise known as atrophic gastritis and intestinal polyps. The most important environmental factors in the cause of gastric cancer are (1) salt added to food; (2) food additives such as nitrates, in pickled or salted foods such as bacon; and (3) food factors in water and vegetables such as Vitamin C. Dietary salt enhances the conversion of nitrates to carcinogenic nitrosamines in the stomach. Salt is also caustic to the stomach and can cause chronic atrophic gastritis. Finally, hypertonic salt solutions delay gastric emptying. Delayed emptying increases the time during which carcinogenic nitrosamines can exert their effects on the stomach mucosa. The metabolism of nitrates and nitrites is very complex. Nitrates interact with amino acids in the stomach to form nitrosamines. The conversion of those carcinogenic nitrosamines is enhanced at a low PH by iodides and thiocyanates. Nitrates are thought to be active only when converted to nitrites and to cause stomach cancer once atrophic gastritis has occurred. Stomach cancer usually begins in the glands of the stomach mucosa. Approximately, 50% of all gastric cancers develop in the prepyloric antrum. Atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia are strongly linked to the development of gastric cancer. Insufficient acid secretion by the atrophic mucosa creates a relatively alkaline environment that permits bacteria to multiply and act on nitrates. The resulting increase in nitrosamines damages the DNA of mucosal cells further, promoting metaplasia and neoplasia. Duodenal reflux may also contribute to intestinal metaplasia. The reflux contains caustic bile salts to destroy the mucosal barrier that normally protects the stomach. There are three general forms of gastric carcinoma. Ulcerating carcinoma is the most common type and must be differentiated from a benign gastric ulcer. Polypoid carcinoma appears as a cauliflowerlike mass protruding into the lumen and may arise from an adenomatous polyp. Infiltrating carcinoma may penetrate the entire thickness of the stomach wall and is responsible for the inflexible â€Å"leather bottle stomach†or otherwise known as linitis plastica. The clinical manifestations of stomach cancer come in stages. The early stage is generally asymptomatic of produce vague symptoms such as loss of appetite, malaise and indigestion. Later manifestations of gastric cancer include unexplained weight loss, upper abdominal pain, vomiting, change in bowel habits and anemia caused by persistent occult bleeding. The prognosis is poor because symptoms do not occur until the tumor has penetrated the muscle layers of the stomach, spread to surrounding tissues and entered the draining lymph nodes and veins, causing distant metastases. Generally the first manifestations of carcinoma are caused by distant metastases. There are a range of choices by which stomach cancer is diagnosed. The choice of diagnostic tests depends on the clinical manifestation at the time of presentation. Most symptoms suggest a problem in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Direct endoscopic visualization and biopsy usually establish the diagnosis. Another definitive technique is microscopic examination of exfoliated cells obtained by lavage during endoscopy- an examination using a flexible viewing tube. Endoscopy is the best diagnostic procedure because it allows a doctor to view the stomach directly; to check for Helicobacter pylori-the bacterium that may play a role in stomach cancer; and to obtain tissue samples for examination under a microscope. The noncancerous stomach polyps are removed using endoscopy. If carcinoma is confined to the stomach, surgery is usually performed to try to cure it. Most or all of the stomach and nearby lymph nodes are removed. The prognosis is good if the cancer has not penetrated the stomach wall too deeply. In the United States, the results of surgery are often poor because most people have extensive cancer by the time a diagnosis is made. In Japan, where cancers are detected earlier by mass screening using endoscopy, the results of the surgery are better. If the carcinoma has spread beyond the stomach, the goal of treatment is to ease the symptoms and prolong life. Thus, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may relieve symptoms. Sometimes, surgery is used to relieve symptoms. For instance is when the passage of food is obstructed at the far end of the trunk, and out the right or left gastric artery. The bleeding site is identified by arteriography, after which a vasopressin infusion is started. Newer experimental methods include electrocuagulation, photocoagulation and application of polymers. At times when conservative methods fail, surgery may be the only method of treatment even though these patients are critically ill and poor surgical risks. The most effective surgical procedure is total gastrectomy, since these erosions are multiple or diffuse and tend to bleed again. The following data show the rate of incidence of cancers in the United States that have been evident not just for those who are whites, but also among the blacks, either female or male. Please click this and attach them to the paper. I made it right like this coz it is difficult to paste the maps, graphs etc. to this order. From this site, you can download the maps and graphs which will show the incidence of gastric cancer not just in the US but worldwide. Indeed, there are several factors that predispose the onset of stomach cancer. Whether these factors are genetically based or have been caused by environmental factors, it is critical to be well-educated about stomach cancer. One could not directly conclude whether stomach cancer is caused by genetics or by the environment. In fact, studies have shown that all these factors can cause stomach cancer to an individual and may even worsen the condition, as the case there may be. Having enough knowledge as well as making the right treatment choices can make the difference of life or death. Understanding the causes and treatments of stomach cancer will help a person be conscious of his health. Through awareness, the whole population will get rid of the factors that might cause this cancer. By doing so, the incidence of stomach cancer will be lowered down and that good and sound health will already be acquired by the population, regardless of gender, race or socio-economic conditions.
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